Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So, What Was Jesus Like?

In my last post I put forth the idea that discipleship is becoming more like Jesus in our words, actions, love of God and our neighbors and even our enemies. With this whole question I keep asking, "does it matter how Christians live their lives" as the starting point, I ask this question.

So what was Jesus like? If we can answer this question accurately, then I think we can safely describe what Christians should look like as well. This will then give us a base to judge ourselves from.

Would you like to name a few of the characteristics Jesus exhibited during His time here on earth? Use the comment section below.


  1. I think that becoming more like Jesus is a pretty tall order given how imperfect we are. However, I don't mean to say that we shouldn't try to live that life. Christ was a perfect person and therefore his traits would be long-suffering, unfeigned love, perfect judgement, etc.

    1. Well, you are absolutely right. It is a tall order, but that is the thing that makes the Christian faith different than any other of the religions. God promises that we are not alone in this effort to become Christlike, but that He gives us His Spirit to live in us, who will make it possible to become like Christ. NO, not perfect this side of heaven, but more and more like Him. We recieve that Spirit when we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for our sins. If this is true, how can we NOT become more like Him?

      In my next post I am going to look at some of the attributes or character qualities that makes Jesus stand out.
