Sunday, June 3, 2012

Does It Matter?

Some one may ask the question, "Does it really matter how a Christian lives their life?" This blog is not here to argue doctrine or to debate the finer points of theology. It is here to encourage Christians to begin to think about the idea that, if we really believe what we say we believe, then really matters.

It matters if you want people to believe in Jesus. Have you ever heard the phrases, "The best sermon I ever heard was the one I saw" or "Actions speak louder than words" Ever heard that? Have you ever asked yourself why so many of your friends, families and coworkers aren't interested in hearing you or other Christians talk about Jesus? It may not be you directly that's the reason, but what Christians have become in general. There is very little difference statistically between some one who professes to be a born again Christian and some one who does not. Look at the statistics on divorce. Almost exactly the same in the church as out. It's hard to measure love, attitudes or generosity, but my experience has been that here too there is very little difference. Again, I'm speaking in general terms.

All I can say is, "WAKE UP". DO WE REALLY BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE NEED TO SEE JESUS?  Well, if we do, don't you realize that we are to be His representatives?

Churches, pastors, congregants. WAKE UP!