Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Welcome to the Honest Christian (this post is a little late)

Welcome to the Honest Christian. Some of you may be thinking this a strange name for a blog. It shouldn't be strange. "Honesty" and "Christian" should be if not synonymous, at the very least, inseperable. Think about it. Of all the people on the face of the earth, shouldn't Christians be the most honest, trustworthy and upright? Well, according to our guidebook, the Bible, we certainly are expected to be. But are we? Are we first honest with ourselves even before being honest with others?

Can We Preach the Gospel Without Living the Gospel?

210 page views and still no takers on the questions I asked? (The Mormon Atheist being the exception, but he is more interested in proving or disproving the existence of God). Why is that? It is so true that some Christians will loudly condemn and even deride other religions for their beliefs, but what I find when I ask hard questions is that many of us do not like to make it personal to ourselves. Why is that? Should we be willing to ask ourselves hard questions? If not why?

So here is another question. Do we need to LIVE the Gospel in order to really PREACH the Gospel or as some people say, "The Word of God stands on it's own"? I would especially like to hear from those of you on the "outside" looking in.

Disclaimer: Before someone accuses me of not believing in the Word of God and it's power, let me just say that I absolutely believe in it's power. But what is that power and what effect is it supposed to have? What evidence is there that a person is responding to that power?

There! 2 bonus questions!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Let's Narrow the Question Down a Bit

Hmmmm. I had over 50 page views, but no takers on the question. Let me try to narrow the focus of the question a bit.

I have heard many, many people say this. "It's not God I have a problem's Christians". Why is that? Are you expecting perfection? Do you expect us to live at a higher level of morality, integrity etc than we are? Do you see us as accurately portraying Jesus? After all, it is His name we bear. CHRISTians.

What about the church? Is it all about the money? Is it full of hypocrites? Are we accomplishing any good?

Okay Christians. What do you think about these same questions? How would you respond honestly to these questions?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

My First Question

Wow! I had my first comment posted on this blog. Thank you. I have been so busy writing on my other blog I haven't paid much attention to this one. At any rate, this blog is open to any and all. PLEASE, keep your comments polite and free of language that others will find offensive. So here's my first question.

I'd really like to hear from some of you who do not profess to be "Christians". What do you really think of the evangelical churches and those of us who attend and profess to be followers of Jesus?Remember...honesty with politeness, please.