Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lord, Lord

Is my question, "Does it matter how we Christians live our lives" a valid, relevant question for today?  Jesus himself asked some very difficult questions along these same lines. Let's take just this one verse and look at it closely for a minute.

Luke 6:46 "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you? (ESV)

This is one question from Jesus that ought to be more than enough to get us thinking. Maybe even a bit worried. After all, if Jesus himself was interested in why people might call him Lord, but not follow his commands, I think there's a better than even chance it is still a valid question. So what are some of his commands? What does it mean to "do" those commands?


  1. I can't help but think that all these questions you have asked are the same one just worded differently each time. Maybe instead of just posting the question you could post your view on it so that people can respond to both.

    1. Yes, they are basically the same. It's called an attempt to facilitate a conversation. Those who know me persoanlly are well aware that I have strong opinions on most things. LOL. I'm trying a different approach. However that doesn't seem to working. So, maybe I'll switch approaches and do what you suggested. I think that my efforts to engage people in this conversation has probably proved my initial suspicion to be correct. Nobody cares enough to take the time to write and debate. We Christians are quick to tell others how to live, but to actually question whether or not we living up to those standards... not so much. Or from the other side, to complain that we are all hypocrites, but not be willing to take the time to tell us why or in what areas our hypocrasy is blatant. Would you like to respond to that one?
