Sunday, September 23, 2012

What if.....

I recently watched a YouTube video about a man who died, but was given a second chance. There are many instances of this happening to people out there. I'm not here to debate the "doctrinal" possibilities of this happening. There are many who will scoff at this or use the Bible to disprove it. And that's okay. A lot of people didn't believe that Lazarus had died and been restored to life either. I don't know if what this man tells about really happened. He believes it did and it's his story...not mine. However, he said something that really got me thinking, especially as I had already been thinking along these lines.

He said this (more or less). "The spiritual world is far more real than this world." So here's my what if. What if this life isn't the one that's real?  What I mean is this. What if all the things we concentrate our energy on; work, careers, houses, cars, entertainment, money...all the things we see as vital to our success and happiness aren't the things that are real, that are going to matter to us for more than the few years we will spend here on earth. Instead, what if the things that matter, that are real are only the things we do that will carry over to the next life. What if the spiritual world really is far more real than this world?

We spend endless amounts of energy on the things I mention above. Maybe the right question to ask is, "What are the things that will carry into eternity?" I don't have a black and white answer for you. Many people would say the time you spend at church, helping others, praying are the things that count. There may be truth in that, but somehow I think it goes deeper than that. I'm not quite sure how to express it in words, but I can sense it in my spirit.

Each day that goes by intensifies my believe that this life is not the real life. That most of the things we focus our energy on are only distractions to what is real. They're not intrinsically evil, some are even necessary. It's more about the focus, the place of importance we assign them. The real life is spiritual, eternal. My understanding of scripture is that what we do with this life really does have an impact on the next life. Not just where we will spend it (heaven or hell), but we will be doing for all eternity. Maybe by focusing in this life on the things that matter in the next life, maybe it really is preparation for our eternal careers.


  1. I have to say that I think you have hit on a real philosophical point here. Many have questioned if we even exist at all except for our minds. The truth is I haven't a clue, but it is intriguing to think about.
    Now if I understand you correctly you are asking the same questions that one might hear in a sermon or other religious gathering. However, I feel it demeans life to state that our "real" purposes lie in the life after this one. Whether you believe in God or not this life IS important and it seems too much to risk if we settle for less here in the hope that it will be made up after we die.

  2. I like your comment and the point you make! Trying to keep a post short and still make a point is tough. This life is important and it is real. The question is twofold, 1. Is this life only important in it's relation to this life? 2. Is there any reason to believe that there is purpose to this life that reaches beyond the 80 years we will live? How we decide to answer that will (or should) change our view on life radically. To those who do not believe that there is anything else, little change is required. For those who profess belief in God and eternity...perhaps a bit more?
    Settling for "less" hoping it will be made up later (as you comment) is not really what I had in mind. Instead, it is more a change in perspective and focus. I have been in business all my life, building my little empire. It's really not all it's cracked up to be. We are moving to Honduras soon. A change of focus.I don't think we will be settling for less...just different. Personally, I am interested in seeing how it works out for us, with this idea of life's purpose in mind. I hope to start a business there. (we are not asking for donations) We will be living in a place where opportunity to help is everywhere. I don't have all the answers either. I'm just thinking, wondering and living my life the best I can based on the things I believe.
